Monday, May 08, 2006

Normally people make resolutions around New Years. I prefer to set my around the start of this summer I have lots of things planned - travels,music, camping, photo's etc...... because life is too short not too.

And it has all started off very well.

My Brother came up to Edinburgh to help me on one of my photography projects and it's been great having him around, we have not spent that much time together in years and even though I have a very hectic week we have had action packed weekends.

Starting on 29th April we chilled in the meadows, on a beautiful day watching some bands at the May Day festival, then went for lunch at The Forest - a vegan deli, which my brother described as a food commune which is not at all the case, but anyway. I like really like the Forest Cafe because it sells fresh food and always has something going on, it had some political documentary playing when we where there. They also have a Darkroom which I use sometime and a gallery space for local artists.
On the Sunday my brother and I, along with my flat mate Rudi decided to make the most of the weather and went to the local shop stocked up on some french bread and hummus among other nibbles and headed to the beach (Portobello) which is about a 25minute walk from where I live - I didn't even realise it was that close. We lay in the sun and drank some beer and listen to the local church who had gathered near the beach singing hymns.
That night was the night of craziness in Edinburgh - Beltane Fire Festival, held on Carlton Hill....It's a festival to bring on Summer. My brother and I headed up there at about 9pm, it was packed - they sold out of 15000 tickets!!!!! Lots of fire, dancing, people dressed up in Pagan clothing and big fire dragons and all that crazy stuff.
All in all a very good weekend!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There were some real characters at the May Day Festival, even though we arrived too late for most of the speeches. One chap in particular, a bearded and spindly, old guy wearing a kilt and tartan hat and who appeared to exist solely on rhetoric and cigarettes, was jigging about wildly to the bands -- we just missed his speech -- I'm sure it was worth hearing.

Laura had to pickup some more badges ("Don't attack Iran" and "Bring the troops home" - now adorned on my slingbag) for her growing collection while we there and sign the various petitions on offer.

The Forest is a veritable Bohemian beacon in the urban sprawl of Edinburgh :) No really, there was a nice vibe and a wide variety of organic meals -- I had the olive and feta cheese salad with wholemeal bread, although I thought my fresh orange juice should have been more substantial for the price.

Really enjoyed the alfresco lunch at Portobello. Lovely clear skies, tempered only by the chilly sea breeze -- note the clenched arms in the picture!

The Fire Festival was impressive and well worth seeing. The views from Calton Hill on a clear day are stunning and at night, with thousands of people enjoying the different processions and intricate dances with fire, the atmosphere and contrast is striking.

Winter wasn't going to pass without a fight however, and the light drizzle towards the climax added further to the drama and sense of occasion.

A great mixture of inexpensive, weekend events that brought in much of Edinburgh and its surroundings -- thanks Laura!

The road called again and I answered. This is my journey and believe this one is going to reveal a lot more to me than any other I have been on, for I don't intend for this one to end.....well not anytime soon that is