Where has the week gone?? It's dissappearing under me!!!
My 2nd home is now the darkroom - Im lovin it because it's open till 8pm and I only live 5min up the road so I can pull some night sessions when needed.
After my anti-social monday printiung freanzy at Uni - me and some friends went up to the Star and Garter - as it was Jazz night -watched a live band - NICE.
This week the surf has been rubbish and my skate mate has been sick so I havn't been doing too much of the old physicall exercise, but I have done loads of workbook,writing,printing and taking pictures - which is what really counts, and I feel way better for it.
Been watching the Might Boosch lately - love the vivid colours they use!!!
Anyway had the NIKON D70 digital camera induction today - and we got a brief for next week - shoot a portrait,landscpae and building and load them up onto a PC - which means I will def have some pics up next week - yeehaa.
So put a whole loads of recyclying out today - feel good about that - GREENPEACE and all.
Anyway today I had to get up at 7:30am and do a morning shift at OGGY OGGY Traditional Cornish Pasty shop - because the Bowling Alley treats me like I am on call - phonning me uplike 15min before a shift - I do have Uni you know!! Anyway Oggy seemed really nice and it's only weekends - alhtough I have to beware the free pastys as I don't want a pasty tummy forming anytime soon!!!
So it's Matts birthday today (he lives next door) - he is turning 21, they are throwing a big house party - that should be interesting. Might go skate now - then some reading is required then who knows. I have a tutorial with the main lecturer tommorow - which should be fine as I have more than the work they required of us, also have a student rep meeting on friday - free lunch yeehaa.
Well got to go, leave a comment if u care.